Andonix Cost Savings Calculator
Minimize Operating Costs

Measure the impact Smart Work Station can have on your organization with our savings calculator tool.

Estimate the Impact in 1 Minute

Enter your current hiring, accident, and content development rates below to calculate your potential savings by implementing Andonix Smart Work Station

How Many Associates Did You Train in the Last 12 Months?
Adjust Slider to Select
Savings Over 12 Months
A Facility in the USA (USD)
A Facility in Mexico (MXP)
Number of Accidents past 12 months
Adjust Slider to Select
Savings at Zero Incidents
Work Instructions and Checklist Deployment
What is the total qantity of paper work instructions and checklists that are in use at your facility?
How many of those paper work instructions and checklists have to be updated each month?
How many front line workers does your facility have?
How many checklists are filled out each week?
Savings / Facility
Hours Saved with Smart Work Station
Savings in USD
Number of Trees Saved
Total Savings
Mexico (MXP):

Tired of the status quo?

Discover how companies are already realizing a 10x ROI by implementing Andonix Smart Workstation for their front lines.

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Results in Just 30 Days

After your free trial keep going, for no more than the cost of a cup of coffee!

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